What is OPG (Dental Imaging)?
An OPG (Orthopantomogram) is a scan that gives a panoramic view of your jaw and teeth. The scan can provide information on wisdom teeth, bone loss, orthodontic assessment, jaw trauma, dental pain, or be used as part of a general dental check-up.
X-rays, also known as radiographs, are an essential part of any dental care treatment plan. They are diagnostic, but they can also be preventative, by helping a dentist diagnose potential oral care issues in a patient’s mouth before they become a major problem. An x-ray is a type of energy that passes through soft tissues and is absorbed by dense tissue. Teeth and bone are very dense, so they absorb X-rays, while X-rays pass more easily through gums and cheeks.
Besides minimizing radiation exposure, digital x-rays offer numerous advantages to dentists and patients alike. These include:
- No chemical processing & no waiting: Because there is no film to process with digital x-rays, there is no waiting for pictures to develop — and no toxic chemicals to dispose of. Your dentist can immediately show you the pictures on a computer screen for easy viewing.
- A clearer picture: It’s possible to get more information from digital x-rays because they are sharper and can be enhanced in a number of ways. The contrast can be increased or decreased, and areas of concern can be magnified. It’s even possible to compare them on-screen to your previous x-rays, making even the minutest changes to your tooth structure easier to detect.
- Easy sharing and storage: Digital x-rays provide a better visual aide for you, the patient, to understand your diagnosis and treatment options. They can be e-mailed to different locations; they are also far less likely to be misplaced.